Soul Play by Vivian King Ph.D

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Published by Inner Way Productions.
Paperback - 208 pages
Price GBP:
£10.00 / US$15.00

ISBN: 978-0-9530811-8-9


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?Vivian King was director of a Psychosynthesis education and counselling programme in Pasadena, California. Inspired by Roberto Assagioli’s monograph Life As A Game and Stage Performance, she created the Inner Theatre approach to personality integration. Soul Play combines art, entertainment and personal growth in a unique and accessible method.

?Vivian King’s book is a great and thorough guide to our inner theatre
and the immense possibilities it holds within.
Piero Ferrucci
Author, What We May Be

Soul Play presents an entertaining and effective way to discover, develop and integrate the many archetypal energies that exist within us all.
Shakti Gawain
Author, Creative Visualization

A masterful way to work joyfully and creatively with every aspect of your self and to honour even your most minor aspects with clarity and insight.
James Fadiman, Ph.D.
Co-founder, Institute for Transpersonal Psychology

Who would have thought a self-help book could be so much fun and so profoundly impactful? I highly recommend Soul Play to those committed to taking charge
of their lives.

Jack Canfield
Co-author, Chicken Soup for the Soul

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©2002 Inner Way Productions